"Certain as the sun rising in the east" are beatiful lyrics from a song entitled Beauty and the Beast. These were also beautiful words spoken by the Lord one morning while I was on my way to the office.

You see, I have been struggling to believe His promises to me. Yes, I clearly understand His words and His promises but to believe that they would come true sometime in the future is another thing. My being in community, reading scriptures almost everyday and being with faithful people seem to fail me to trust, without any form of doubt, that He is really a faithful God.

I did not understand at first why God had to make His point that way. I realized later on that my thoughts and the things in my heart must have bothered Him that much to the point that He felt He had to use very concrete example to make me grasp the meaning of His faithfulness.

None of us would doubt that the sun will rise tomorrow or the next day or the day after next. All of us believe with conviction and certainty that there will be morning everyday. This is not something that we need to worry about that it just might not come or might get delayed in coming. No, definitely not. For sure the sun is up at a specific time of the day and this is a certain phenomenon; no manipulation is needed from our end for it to happen.

I guess, it is the same thing with God's promises in our lives. We can be sure 100% that they will come true. His promises will come as sure as the sun will rise every morning, every day without fail. We can even claim it now and just wait for it to happen because there is no doubt they will be fulfilled.

And so, during times when we are tempted to doubt His promises and when circumstances lead us to doubt His promises, we can always turn to God for mercy. Let Him shower us with His grace so that we might be able to walk joyfully side by side with Him all the days of our lives.

Psalm 145:13
"The LORD is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made."

Note: Picture obtained from the worldwide web